  • Where Did The Bow Tie Originate From?




Where Did The Bow Tie Originate From?

History may be a boring subject but when mixed with fashion, it’s worth your full attention. The bow tie dates back in the 17th century back in Croatia. Here mercenaries would use neck wears that somehow resembled scarves to bind the collars of their shirts. These neck wears were called the cravats. In no time they were adapted the Upper Class French citizens who had the reputation of being highly influential in the fashion world at that time. The cravats evolved into today’s neck wear; the bow ties and neckties.

In the beginning of the century, the bow tie was a vital component of a full attire. This changed in the 1900s when it became common among surgeons and men in the academic arena. In as much as it became less fashionable following the end of the Second World War, it still makes up an essential part in men’s formal wear in today’s world.

Let’s take a flash forward to the future. You will envision a world where this neck accessory has adapted a more relaxed kind of look. Over the recent years, this accessory has regained lots of recognition among men who can be termed as fashionable and also among women. It is quite common these days to see a woman adorned in men’s attire such as a tuxedo, complete with a bow tie to boot. Bow ties have now found their way into cocktail parties, the workplace and casual activities. Men are incorporating them into almost any outfit they see fit.

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